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Serpent seed (11/-) Branham Cult

Sunday, January 13, 2013 , Posted by ManilasMan at 9:33 PM

ECReligious Blog: Richard Gan-William Branham - Singapore's False Teacher/Deceiver

The Doctrine of the Serpent Seed and the Original Sin...3

Gan is a believer in the serpent seed doctrine of the Kabbalah which William Branham made famous among a generation of miracle seekers. The serpent seed doctrine in a nut-shell is that Eve and the serpent had sex and this is when Eve ate of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden. Gan and Branham teach that the tree in the midst of the garden of good and evil was the devil. That when Eve ate of the fruit of this tree she had sex with the serpent's fruit which was his sex organ (they translate "eat and ate" to mean to partake of).

Branhamites teach that God told Adam not to have sex with the serpent when God told him not to eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. So, God was telling Adam not to have a homosexual relationship with the devil according to Gan and Branhamites. According to Gan and Branham, Eve's body is a garden and the serpent's body is a garden each have a fruit in the midst of their garden-body. Eve ate (partook) of the serpent's fruit. She had sex with the devil. According to them Eve partook of the serpent's fruit and she conceived and Cain was the result of her adultery. They claim Cain then had the seed of the serpent which they claim is the seed of fallen angels. So, all who descended from Cain were the seed of the accursed fallen angels, which is identified as the serpent seed. None of this accursed seed can be saved because there is no salvation for the fallen angelic seed.

This launches Gan into the heresy of Branhamite pre-destination of two seeds (fallen angelic and Adamic). Gan claims some people are born saved (Adamic seed) and some born damned (fallen angelic seed), depending upon the lineage of a person's seed. Neither seed can cross over into the category of the other seed. To Gan and Branham, Calvary was only partial. Jesus did not die for all mankind, only the seed of Adam. Those who are the seed of the serpent (descendants of fallen angels), have no salvation or hope of eternal life. This is the scary threat Gan and Branhamites use to strike fear into the ears of listeners. If they reject Branham when he was verified by miracles this proves they are the serpent seed. Indeed, the secret weapon of fear is used by Gan and other Branhamites. They tell those they preach to: accept Branham and you are of the good seed; reject Branham and you are of the serpent's seed. No plan of salvation needed here in Christ, it's all in Branham! According to Gan and Branhamites, salvation was guaranteed and predestinated to Adam's seed before the foundation of the world. All a person of Adam's seed needs to do is accept William Branham and confess him as the prophet Elijah, or Branham Christ, or Lord Branham Christ, as their Saviour and they are saved. Then these converts are taught to claim they are saved by Jesus because they were predestinated in, owing to nothing they have done (saved by grace they say).

According to Gan and other serpent seed preachers, this seed of the serpent are fallen angels who inhabited the world before God made Adam. In the image on the left there are the angels before they fell under Lucifer. Then they are brown-black man type creatures after the fall. According to Gan and Branhamites, these pre-historic man-like beings are the missing link scientist are looking for in the evolutional chain of man's existence. It is claimed the skeletons of these fallen angelic beings were the black and negro people. This is forced upon the black races because all the oldest of these so-called prehistoric skeletons found are negroid. Wonder why all images of satan picture him as a black-man figure?

Gan and other Branhamites teach this angelic pre-Adamic race were not created in God's image. They of course quote Isaiah 45:18 as their proof text. But does the Bible speak of mankind before Adam? Does it say fallen angels became man-like and inhabited the earth having sex and multiplying before Adam? Does the Bible say any where there were or are male and female angels who can reproduce? Does not this heresy slap Jesus in the face when he said angels in heaven do not marry or are given in marriage (Matt 22:30)?

According to Gan and Branhamites, after the fall of satan these angels became beast creatures with a man-like body and this is when the devil became the serpent. YEs Gan I drew the red lines to show the world your connection of fallen angels to black people and the pre-human race that the serpent came into the garden as. Yes, Gan, you claim this is the source of the serpent seed and I will debate you on it. According to Gan and other Branhamites these angelic creatures could have sex and reproduce. Gan claims the serpent was one of these man-like beings who was not a man but he could still have sex and get Eve pregnant. Two different kinds mingled according to Gan. Gan confesses this devil-serpent being was not made in the image of God like Adam and Eve. In spite of these bodily differences, Gan still claims the serpent is the devil from the fallen pre-Adamic race and Eve committed fornication/adultery with him.

Many serpent seed preachers believed this pre-Adamic serpent seed race was where the black negroes came from. I have a tape to prove it (no you can't have a copy, you can listen to it only in my presence). They taught white racism, that whites are the true seed of Adam. Serpent seed preachers like Gan and William Branham modified this false doctrine and changed the way a serpent seed person was to be identified. They could not get a great white following and so sought to convert blacks and non-whites like Gan, and so changed the racial identity of the serpent seed and spiritualized it.

I am shocked that any person of black or brown skin would accept Gan's false doctrine. But this shows there are blacks easily deceived the same as there are whites (Branhamites) and yellow (Ganites) easily deceived. I will not go into my teaching against all of Branhamism here but I do want to point out that Eve had no flesh seed of her own, her flesh seed came from Adam. Remember, "this is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh." If Cain was born of Eve and had a mixed flesh seed of Eve and the serpent, then he was a descendent of Adam no matter what Gan and Branhamites say. The whole doctrine of the serpent seed is false and Gan is a false teacher spreading this heresy among the nations.

Richard Gan claims he came into the Branhamite doctrine in 1971. He claims other Branhamites are distorting the "Message" of William Branham but he is the one to fix all this and preach the truth. He is trying to raise himself up as the greatest serpent seed preacher since William Branham. This is seen in his logo where he says the eagle screams (representing Branham) and then slips down the dove and says it leads (Richard Gan). On the doctrine of the serpent seed, Gan agrees with William Branham that Eve had sex with the devil and Cain was the devil's seed. So far as I know, I have not found a single place where he disagrees with William Branham. It is right then to conclude that he is a Branhamite equal to all the others in spite of him claiming he is some how different.

Gan has traveled to several nations. including India, to spread the Branham heresies. I got some hateful emails from India Branhamite who threatened to kill me if I was to come to India. He claimed Branham was Christ. This man is one of Gan's followers or one who has run amuck after Gan's Branhamite heresies messed up his mind. In every place he has gone, that Gan has sown this seed of the serpent message of Branham: he has brought hatred, confusion, discord, and strife. He believes this is all justifiable because of his belief that all denominations and other groups are of the devil, the serpent seed. When Branhamism is attacked by anyone within these denominations he discounts all their objections as being nothing less then antichrist trying to destroy the "Message." Fact is, we here in America know William Branham. He lived here, preached here, did his miracles here, and fabricated his lying false doctrines here. It was here that Branham used miracles while calling upon the name of Jesus to back up his claims he was the reincarnation of Elijah the prophet of Malachi 4:4-6. Yes, Branham claimed he was this prophet. Gan claims he was this Old Testament Prophet come again in the flesh of William Branham. Branham was then an Old Testament Prophet. But no, according to Gan he is not an Old Testament Prophet, but the last day prophet of the Church age. Well, all Branhamites have a problem here because none of them have proved Branham was with Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration. In addition, Elijah was caught up to God and did not see death, whereas William Branham saw death in a horrible car accident that could not be anything but the judgment of God. So, if Branham was Elijah as he claimed and as Gan preaches to the unlearned throughout the world, then Elijah got killed by a drunk driver after he had an excellent air ride in a chariot driven by angels. Elijah is buried in Tennessee under a pagan pyramid symbol, and Elijah claimed it was no sin to be a member of the Baal Masonic lodge!

Richard Gan is a unique man. He buys his way among the unlearned and uneducated with cold drinks, sandwiches, and a little party for the ministers and Pastors he can gather. Now where is his wife? Why is she never seen with him? Why does he never mention her? Is this man normal? He is not an anointed man of God. His teachings lack the real anointing. He tries to make up for this lack with educational gibberish and his ability to chart in picture form his doctrine. Any one with the real Holy Ghost would detect this instantly his false doctrine in these charts and notice how he contradicts the Word of God. Others who have met him and walked out of his meetings testify the man is somewhat of a sissy. Be that as it may or may not, he is certainly a false teacher.

He made several jabs at my expose of Branham's lies and false doctrines. But did he prove any of it false? NO! Did he prove Branham did not say the things I quoted? No he did not! Instead he proposed even more stupidity. Here is a snap-shot of Gan's attack upon me for my expose of Branhamite falsehood.

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